
14 May 2014

Lemon Tarte with Meringue

Lemon tarte with meringue is my no. 1! But it was not love at first sight. I mean, come on.. lemons! They are tasty, of course, but sour. And I’ve got a sweet tooth, definitely! I was sure we would never make a good match.
But then fate took its course. My relationship with lemon tartes started some years ago, when I entered a coffee house in Vienna and desperately wanted to eat cake. I did not have much money with me, so I had to take what I could afford and that was one cup of coffee and a piece of lemon tarte. You can imagine the rest.
Lemon tarte is not cheap when shop-bought, so I thought why not making my own. I was pretty nervous because of the grilled meringue, but it turned out so well and I could eat so much of it without spending much money. Besides, baking the tarte fills the whole flat with a sweet lemon aroma. Nice side-effect!

Here’s my recipe for a home-made version. I never add too much sugar to my sweets, so if you want it sweeter, then feel free to alter the recipe the way you like it. You just need to add more sugar to the pastry and the lemon filling.

Sweet shortcrust pastry
  • 125 grams of butter at room temperature 
  • 70 grams caster sugar, sieved 
  • 50 grams ground almonds 
  • 250 grams flour, sieved 
  • 1 egg (50 grams) at room temperature

Beat butter, sugar and ground almonds and gradually add the sieved flour until well combined. Add the egg and knead until well combined (if the dough is too firm, add some splashes of water). Form the dough into a ball and refrigerate for about 1 hour (or until needed).

Preheat your oven to 180 degrees.
Remove the dough from the fridge and roll it out. Lay your tarte tin with it, prick it with a fork, line with parchment paper and pour your baking beans over it. Bake in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes, remove from the oven and remove baking beans and parchment paper.

Lemon filling
  • 3 lemons
  • 100 grams of butter at room temperature 
  • 1-2 tbsp honey
  • 15 grams of corn starch
  • 3 eggs at room temperature

Zest one of your lemons and squeeze the juice of all 3 lemons. Melt butter and honey in a saucepan on a low heat, then add the lemon zest and juice to it and let it cook over a medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat.

Whisk the 3 eggs with the corn starch and add to the butter-lemon-mixture. Mix well until smooth.

Preheat your oven to 160 degrees. Spread the lemon-mixture over the baked tarte and bake in the oven for 40 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.

  • 25 grams of caster sugar (or icing sugar), sieved
  • 3 egg whites

Whisk the egg whites until they form soft peaks, then start to add the sugar gradually. Whisk until stiff.
Preheat your oven to 180 degrees (grill option).
Fill a piping bag with the meringue and pipe big dots on the surface of the tarte, so that they cover the surface of the tarte completely. Grill in the oven for about 1-2 minutes (or longer) until slightly coloured.


  1. The tarte is so delicious! It's zizzling and juicy :D
    Try the recipe! You will love it! <3


  2. Thanks for your comments^^ The recipe looks sooo good!! *-*

    1. Hallo Theresa,

      Bitte, bitte @Kommentare! :D Werde auch fleißig weiterkommentieren!

      Vielleicht kannst du ja mein Rezept mal nachbacken :3 dann schmeckst du auch, ob's dir schmeckt, hehe. :D

      Schöne Grüße nach Fukuoka! Pass auf dich auf ^^!

      Schöne Grüße,

  3. Hallo Maki, die Zitronentarte stand zwar schon länger auf dem Plan, aber immer kam etwas dazwischen. Ich denke mal, der Anblick deiner Tarte hat mir dann den letzten benötigten Kick gegeben. :-D
    Buttermilch in die Waffeln ... das klingt zu dumm. Zu dumm, dass sich Buttermilch so schlecht ersetzen lässt. Vielleicht Tofu mit Zitronensaft gären lassen? Oder gleich Soja-Joghurt.
    Muss wohl mal wieder experimentieren. :-P
    Vielen Dank für all die schönen Inspirationen.
    Liebe Grüße,

    1. Hallo Mari! Vielen lieben Dank für deinen Kommentar! <3 Mich freut es immer so, wenn ich etwas von dir lesen kann!

      Es freut mich, dass dich die Zitronentarte von mir dazu angespornt hat, dein Rezept endlich in Angriff zu nehmen. Vielleicht kannst du es posten - dann probiere ich einmal deines aus. Ich liebe Zitronentarte einfach!

      Und es freut mich ungemein, dass du dein Tief überwinden konntest. Du warst für mich eine große Inspiration was das Bloggen angeht (und auch das Backen), deshalb ist mir nun ein großer Stein vom Herzen gefallen, denn ich muss nicht auf deine Beiträge und tollen Rezepte verzichten. Danke dafür!

      Verwendest du denn keine Buttermilch?

      Schöne Grüße,
