
19 October 2013

Pudding Cake プリンケーキ

I love Pudding! Especially japanese pudding, the so called custard cream pudding. I spent the week making various sorts of puddings, because Mari from Kazuo presented some recipes of the pudding-chapter of her book entitled はじめての手作りお菓子 Home made sweets . After making Maris カスタードプリン (custard pudding) and なめらかプリン (smooth pudding), I started to crave pudding cake. Sounds strange, right? Indeed, the method is a little strange, but the cake itself is delicious! I ate pudding cake the first time when I was in Japan at a friend’s house, so I asked for the recipe, that I got in a mail. When I read the method for the first time, I thought that it would never succeed, but it did!

It’s a not too sweet, not too heavy dessert – with a short lifespan… D: Our cake survived only a few hours, but hey: it was tiny!!
ingredientsts (for a 13cm cake tin)
caramel sauce
  • 4 tbsp Sugar
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 1-2 tbsp hot boiling water

  • 2 eggs + 1 egg yolk
  • 1-2 tbsp sugar (optional)
  • 250 ml milk
  • a few drops vanilla essence or 1 tsp vanilla bean paste

pudding base
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 1 heaped tbsp flour (approx. 20 grams)

Line your cake tin with parchment paper – you can also skip this step. I did it to protect the tin and because it makes it easier to remove the cake afterwards.
Fill half of a pot with water, bring to boil and reduce the heat to simmer. Add a steaming basket to your pot, which is wider than your cake tin.
For the caramel sauce mix sugar and water in a pan and let it caramelize on a low heat until it reaches the caramel-grade you want it to have (some people like their caramel more intensive, some like it lighter, so choose yours!). Put the pan away from heat and add 1-2 tbsp of hot boiling water to the pan (don’t burn yourself!) and fill it immediately into the cake tin. Leave to cool.
Mix eggs and egg yolk, add the sugar and beat until creamy. Gradually add the milk and mix well to combine. Finally add the vanilla essence. Pour the mixture into your cake tin.
For the base, beat egg and sugar together, then add the oil and beat until well combined. Sieve the flour into the mixture and fold it in, until it’s free from lumps. Now comes the challenge: Pour the base-mixture into the pudding – don’t be afraid to do that, the base will come to the surface!
Put your cake tin into the steaming basket, cover it with a lid and let it steam at low heat for about 20 minutes (don’t over-steam or the pudding will loose it’s silky texture). 

Let the cake cool to room temperature, then put in in the fridge for a few hours (or overnight).

Put a plate on top of the cake tin, then turn it out quickly. Let it sit for a few minutes, then remove cake tin and parchment paper.

Cut, serve and enjoy! :D


  1. Hallo Maki (für mich ist Maki ein Mädchenname^^),
    vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar bei mir und die Verlinkung.
    Es freut mich sehr, dass dir meine Purin Reihe gefällt. Einen Purin-Kuchen wollte ich auch schon immer mal ausprobieren. Mir fehlte nur ein geeignetes Rezept. Daher freue ich mich sehr, dass du deines hier vorstellst. Danke schön.
    "Den Boden in den Puding gießen" klingt schon krass. :-D
    Dein Purin Cake sieht jedenfalls sehr verlockend aus. Den plane ich für nächste Woche ein.
    Liebe Grüße, Mari

    1. Danke Mari <33 Es freut mich sehr, dass du es bist die bei mir als Erste kommentiert! Danke schön!(^_^)
      Ich hoffe, dass dir der Kuchen schmecken wird! :D

  2. Mist. Jetzt habe ich meinen Puddingkuchen im Topf vergessen. War jetzt 30 min drin. T_T
    Und dann muss ich jetzt bis morgen warten, um zu wissen, ob er noch gut ist. Seufz.
    Na ja, aber er ist wirklich schnell hergestellt.
    Berichte dann morgen, wie er geworden ist.
    Liebe Grüße, Mari

    1. Oh je .-. ich hoffe trotzdem, dass er dir gelungen ist, auch wenn der Puddingkuchen 10 Minuten länger gedämpft wurde. Hauptsache, es schmeckt! :D

  3. Mhhh~~ Pudding *___*
    Lg, Ivi
